Reports for Elia Transmission Belgium

Elia Transmission Belgium attaches great importance to transparent dialogue with shareholders, investors and other stakeholders. Our reports and results showcase the latest financial developments.

Elia Group's half-year results 2024 - Watch again

Elia Group was pleased to invite you to their Elia Group's half-year results 2024, which was held virtually on Wednesday 24 July from 10:00-12:00 CET.

A recording of the event, alongside the slides used, are now available.

Watch again

Past webcasts

three technicians with safety protection equipment looking at the see from a offshore platform next to wind turbines plus banner saying 2023 full-year results

Elia Group's Full-year results 2023

March 06, 2024

Capital Markets Day 2023

December 08, 2023

Reports Elia Transmission Belgium

  • 2024

    Q2 Full year results
    Financial report EN FR NL -
    Annual report -
    EN FR NL
     XBRL - EN FR NL
  • 2023

    Q2 Full year results
    Financial report EN FR NL -
    Annual report -
    EN FR NL
     XBRL - EN FR NL
  • 2022

    Q2 Full year results
    Financial report EN FR NL -
    Annual report -
    EN FR NL
     XBRL - EN FR NL
  • 2021

    Q2 Full year results
    Financial report  EN  FR  NL -
    Annual report -
    EN FR NL
     XBRL - EN FR NL
  • 2020

    Q2 Full year results
    Financial report  EN  FR  NL -
    Annual report -  EN  FR  NL
    Reconciliation of the APM  EN  FR  NL -
  • 2019

    Q2 Full year results
    Financial report - -
    Annual report - -
    Reconciliation of the APM -  EN  FR  NL
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