
Shareholder remuneration

Latest approved shareholder remuneration

On 16 May 2023 the annual general meeting of shareholders approved the 2022 results, result affectation and hence €1.91 gross dividend per share.

Shareholder remuneration policy

On March 21, 2019 the Board of Directors formally approved the policy it intends to apply when proposing dividends to the General Shareholder’s Meeting. Under this policy, the full-year dividend growth is intended not to be lower than the increase of the Consumer Price Index (“inflation”) in Belgium.
The approved dividend policy confirms the Company’s existing dividend practice. It supports the Company’s long-term ambition to offer a secure dividend in real terms to the shareholders while at the same time enabling the Company to sustain a strong balance sheet that is needed to fund the Company’s investment program.

The Board of Directors specifies that future dividends will remain dependent upon the results of the Company (which are affected by a number of factors, including the dividends received from its subsidiaries) as well as the Company’s financial situation, financing needs and business perspectives.

Historical overview of dividends

Payment is made via Belgian branches of Belfius Bank, BNP Paribas Fortis Bank, KBC Bank and ING.

 Accounting year Coupon  General assembly Payment date Gross dividend in EUR
 2023  Coupon 21  21/05/2024  03/06/2024  1.99
 2022  Coupon 20  16/05/2023  01/06/2023  1.91
 2021  Coupon 19  17/05/2022  01/06/2022  1.75
 2020  Coupon 18  18/05/2021  01/06/2021  1.71
 2019  Coupon 17  19/05/2020  01/06/2020  1.69
 2018  Coupon 15  21/05/2018  31/05/2019  1.66
 2017  Coupon 14  15/05/2018  01/06/2018  1.62
 2016  Coupon 13  16/05/2017  01/06/2017  1.58
 2015  Coupon 12  17/05/2016  01/06/2016  1.55
 2014  Coupon 11  19/05/2015  03/06/2015  1.54
 2013  Coupon 10  20/05/2014  04/06/2014  1.54
 2012  Coupon 9  21/05/2013  05/06/2013  1.47
 2011  Coupon 8  15/05/2012  25/05/2011  1.47
 2010  Coupon 7  10/05/2011  25/05/2011  1.40
 2009  Coupon 6  11/05/2010  28/06/2010  0.2
 2009  Coupon 5  11/05/2010  26/05/2010  1.38
 2008  Coupon 4  12/05/2009  27/05/2009  1.37
 2007  Coupon 3  13/05/2008  28/05/2008  1.30
 2006  Coupon 2  08/05/2007  23/05/2007  1.28 
 2005  Coupon 1  09/05/2006  24/05/2006  1.27

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