Investor Relations

The current page includes information for Elia Group shareholders and investors and those who hold an interest in its Belgian subsidiary, Elia Transmission Belgium. It also includes links to pages about Elia Group’s German subsidiary, 50Hertz; its consultancy company, Elia Grid International; and re.alto, the digital market place it launched as a start-up in 2019.

Elia Group Elia Transmission Belgium
Full-year results 2024: Press release EN FR NL -
Full-year results 2024: Presentation EN
Full-year results 2024: Webcast View webcast -
Full-year results 2024: Transcript EN -
Full-year results 2024: Toolkit EN -
Annual report 2023 EN FR NL EN FR NL
  See all reports See all reports

More reports: 50Hertz Elia Grid international re.alto

“Despite the highly challenging context, 2024 was a very strong year for Elia Group, as solid financial results were delivered in both Belgium and Germany. Once again, we have successfully executed key projects which are critical for the energy transition while ensuring that the lights stay on around the clock. As a key player in Europe’s energy landscape, we are committed to supporting efforts to enhance industrial competitiveness, reduce the reliance on fossil fuels, and safeguard the wellbeing of European citizens both today and in the future. In the years ahead, we will continue fulfilling this role by executing an ambitious growth programme while maintaining a strong focus on controlling the cost of the transition. With a strong and well-balanced presence in two geographies, direct access to the North and Baltic Seas (Europe’s future energy hubs), and, most importantly, a uniquely skilled team, Elia Group is perfectly positioned to expand its footprint in Europe and beyond, setting the benchmark in electricity transmission. In this context, our recent expansion into the U.S. and the continued growth of our consulting company EGI mark important steps towards new smart growth business models that leverage our unique experience and technical know-how. As Elia Group’s new CEO – and someone who has been closely involved with the company and its people for the past seven years – I am truly proud to embark on this journey alongside such talented, innovative and dedicated colleagues.” 

Bernard Gustin, CEO of Elia Group

Capital Markets Day 2023

Companies within Elia Group

Why invest in Elia Group ?

Focused on sustainable value creation and with our unique know-how Elia Group enhances its core business to be more resilient and decrease its risk exposure through diversification. We focus on creating long-term value and building a healthy company that responds to the opportunities brought about by the energy transition, by bringing them to our shareholders in a relevant way.

1 Reliable, sustainable TSOs 
Strong, reliable and sustainable TSOs strategically positioned to drive the European energy transition

2 Regulated predictable earnings
Active under established regulatory regimes offering predictable earnings

3 Strong organic growth 
A leading European TSO with strong organic growth prospects

4 Forefront of the energy transition
Elia Group at the forefront of the energy transition and the future of the European power market accelerating to net-zero

5 Attractive shareholder return
Robust financial position and attractive shareholder’s return


We are enabling the energy transition by developing diversified, sustainable and reliable on- and offshore electricity system.

Towards a more sustainable world

Yannick Dekoninck
Head of Capital Markets
Boulevard de l'Empereur 20 B-1000 Brussels                             
Maryline Vaeremans
Investor Relations Analyst
Boulevard de l'Empereur 20 B-1000 Brussels
Stéphanie Luyten
Head of Investor Relations
Boulevard de l'Empereur 20 B-1000 Brussels                         
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