05 April 2022
Elia Group publishes white paper on promoting hybrid offshore interconnectors for reaching Europe’s goal of 300 GW of offshore wind capacity by 2050
BRUSSEL – BERLIN | The geopolitical crisis and record-breaking energy prices have returned a sense of urgency to the European energy debate. Accelerating the establishment of a net zero society has never been as relevant as it is today. However, an important mismatch exists between European ambitions and the few structural actions that are actually being undertaken. This is the reason behind Elia Group’s white paper on hybrid interconnectors. The combination of offshore wind farms and subsea interconnectors could enable Europe to harness the full renewable potential of the North and Baltic Seas while more effectively distributing the green electrons produced among its Member States.
If offshore wind development is left to an uncoordinated country-by-country approach, a substantial part of Europe’s 300 GW offshore wind potential will be left untapped and Europe is at risk of failing to reach the objectives of the Green Deal - both in terms of timing and in terms of volumes.
In its vision paper, Elia Group therefore outlines four focus areas aimed at promoting hybrid interconnectors.

Press releases
Elia Group publishes white paper on promoting hybrid offshore interconnectors for reaching Europe’s goal of 300 GW of offshore wind capacity by 2050
Elia Group publie un livre blanc promouvant les interconnexions hybrides offshore en vue d’atteindre l’objectif européen de 300 GW de capacité éolienne offshore d’ici 2050
Elia Group publiceert visienota over de versnelde uitbouw van hybride interconnectoren om de Europese doelstelling te realiseren van 300 GW offshore wind tegen 2050