18 October 2021
Green Bid wins Elia Group’s first ever hackathon on energy services for consumers with solution that allows prosumers to sell their excess solar energy
BRUSSELS -From 13 to 15 October, Elia Group hosted its first ever hackathon, which aimed to translate the Group’s vision on consumer centricity into tangible, practical solutions.
Over 100 participants -including coding students, start-up staff and representatives from larger companies -took part in the competition. The Belgian Federal Minister of Energy, Tinne Van der Straeten, attended the event on its first day.
The winning team, Green Bid, was awarded the opportunity to spend 14 weeks developing their solution with Elia Group experts at The Nest, the Group’s internal digital incubator. The hackathon demonstrates Elia Group’s commitment to fostering collaboration between stakeholders from across the energy value chain.
- 105 participants forming 14 teams took part in the hackathon
- Every team had to focus on solving one of five challenges and received support from both internal and external data and energy experts
- Elia Group will be hosting a second hackathon in Berlin next year
Press release
Green Bid wins EliaGroup’s first ever hackathonon energy services for consumerswith solution that allows prosumers to sell their excess solar energy
Green Bid remporte le tout premier hackathondu groupe Elia portant sur les services aux consommateurs, avec une solution permettant aux «prosumers» de vendre leur excédant d'énergie photovoltaïque
Green Bid wint allereerste hackathon van Elia Group over energiediensten voor consumenten met tool die overtollige zonne-energie valoriseert