18 December 2020
10 leading TSOs launch joint initiative to reduce GHG emissions
This GHG reduction effort will tackle their own carbon footprint while also addressing much greater opportunities at system level, driven by electrification and the integration of renewable electricity sources (RES). The joint initiative is supported by Amprion (DEU), APG (AUT), Elia Group (BE & DEU), Red Eléctrica (ES), RTE (FR), Swissgrid (CH), Tennet (NL & DEU) and Terna (IT).
By mid-2021, these TSOs will publish a paper on how to further reduce GHG emissions in the interest of European society.
A group of leading European TSOs plans to explain and further assess the role played by TSOs in decarbonising the energy system. The result of the joint initiative announced today will be a paper to be completed by mid-2021 and disseminated at a dedicated event. The paper will clarify:
- TSOs’ plans and direct initiatives for continuing to reduce the carbon footprint of their own activities and controlling the carbon footprint of their value chains;
- how TSOs enable secure electrification and RES integration while contributing to the decarbonisation of the energy system as a whole, and how these contributions can be assessed and monitored under a common framework;
- the most efficient instruments to be implemented and/or supported by TSOs that should be fully activated in the public interest to enable the decarbonisation of the energy system.