24 July 2024
Half-year results: Elia Group on track to deliver crucial grid investments that will propel a sustainable energy transition
- Investments have gotten off to a record start, to €1,735.9 million up €914.6 million compared to the first half of last year. Group investments mainly driven by investments in grid expansion, offshore developments, and technological advancements. We remain confident that we will reach our 2024 targets
- The net profit Elia Group share totaled €181.6 million1, a result of strong performance across all segments
- Full year guidance revised upwards, primarily due to an upwards revision in Germany and Nemo Link
- Elia Group, Eurogrid, and ETB made multiple entries into the debt market to strengthen their liquidity for forthcoming grid investments and its inorganic growth
1 Net profit Elia Group share refers to the net profit attributable to owners of ordinary shares.

Press releases
Half-year results: Elia Group on track to deliver crucial grid investments that will propel a sustainable energy transition
Résultats semestriels : Elia Group en bonne voie de concrétiser des investissements réseau cruciaux qui stimuleront une transition énergétique durable
Halfjaarresultaten: Elia Group op koers om belangrijke netinvesteringen te realiseren die de duurzame energietransitie versnellen