21 June 2024

Elia Group Extraordinary General Meeting approved the insertion of authorised capital in the Articles of Association

The Extraordinary General Meeting approved the insertion in the Articles of Association of a clause authorising the Board of Directors to increase the share capital of the company subject to certain conditions (the so-called ‘authorised capital’).

More precisely, Elia Group’s Board of Directors is authorised to increase the capital of Elia Group by maximum cumulative amounts equivalent to 50% of the existing capital of the company on the date on which the general meeting approved the authorisation in case the capital increases take place with a preference right and, in all other cases, by a maximum amount equivalent to 20% of the existing capital of the company on the date on which the general meeting approved the authorisation.

As mentioned in the special report made available in the context of the Extraordinary General Meeting, the company will not use this authorisation for capital increases in 2024.

Yannick Dekoninck
Head of Capital Markets
Boulevard de l'Empereur 20 B-1000 Brussels                             
Stéphanie Luyten
Head of Investor Relations
Boulevard de l'Empereur 20 B-1000 Brussels                         
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