05 June 2024

Elia Group SA/NV successfully places new €600 million seven-year bond

Elia Group SA/NV (“Elia Group”) has successfully placed a €600 million senior, unsecured bond, to be listed on the Euro MTF market.

After issuing bonds from operating entities Elia Transmission Belgium and Eurogrid earlier in the year, this transaction marks the first offering issued by Elia Group SA/NV since its €500 million Hybrid transaction in March 2023. The bonds carry a coupon of 3.875% and have a 7-year bullet maturity, due on 11 June 2031.

The issuance received good interest from investors. Settlement of the bonds is expected to take place on 11 June 2024, and the bonds are expected to be listed and admitted to trading on the Euro MTF market operated by the Luxembourg Stock Exchange on or about the same day.

people working in pylons

Yannick Dekoninck
Head of Capital Markets
Boulevard de l'Empereur 20 B-1000 Brussels                             
Stéphanie Luyten
Head of Investor Relations
Boulevard de l'Empereur 20 B-1000 Brussels                         
Maryline Vaeremans
Investor Relations Analyst
Boulevard de l'Empereur 20 B-1000 Brussels
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