21 May 2024

Elia Group Annual General Meetings approve 2023 financial results and dividend payment

Elia Group today held an Ordinary General Meeting and an Extraordinary General Meeting. 71,39% and 71,29% of the shares were represented at the Ordinary General Meeting and Extraordinary General Meeting, respectively. Shareholders were able to attend the General Meetings in person or digitally. 

  • A Gross dividend of €1.99 per share to be paid out on 3 June 2024;
  • EY Réviseurs d’Entreprise SRL / EY Bedrijfsrevisoren BV and BDO Réviseurs d’Entreprises SRL / BDO Bedrijfsrevisoren BV have been entrusted with the assurance engagement of the company's consolidated sustainability reporting for a period of two years;
  • The Extraordinary General Meeting validates the amendment to the company's articles of association regarding the company's object.

Marleen Vanhecke
Head of Communication & Reputation Elia Group
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