26 November 2021
Quarterly statement: Elia Group Q3 2021
On Friday 26th November, the Elia Group published its interim statement for Q3 2021.
- Good progress on delivering the investment plan. 50Hertz received final permit approval for Ostwind 2 and substations of Rochefort and Pepinster are operational again after floods
- Europe approves Belgium’s capacity remuneration mechanism and first auction successfully organized
- BNetzA sets return on equity for the next regulatory period
- Elia Group and Octopus Energy Group solidifying commitment to putting consumers at the heart of the en-ergy transition
- First ESG rating for Elia Transmission Belgium
- A new way to communicate grid imbalances to market participants
- Nemo Link continues to deliver an outstanding operational and financial performance leading to an upwards revision of the outlook for 2021