18 June 2021
Elia Group publishes white paper on a consumer-centric and sustainable electricity system, calling for collaboration and inviting allies to its first hackathon
BRUSSELS – BERLIN | “Towards a Consumer-Centric and Sustainable Electricity System” outlines Elia Group’s proposed market design for unleashing competition behind the meter.
- White paper on a Consumer-Centric Market Design (CCMD) published as starting point for discussions about unleashing competition ‘behind the meter’ and encouraging the development of consumer-oriented services
- Elia Group is aiming to foster dialogue between all market parties, and is hosting its first hackathon which will focus on the development of consumer-centric services this October - interested parties are being invited to register to take part now
If you are interested in taking part in the hackathon, you can register to participate via this form:

Press releases
Elia Group publishes white paper on a consumer-centric and sustainable electricity system, calling for collaboration and inviting allies to its first hackathon
Elia Group publiceert witboek over een consumentgericht en duurzaam elektriciteitssysteem, roept op tot samenwerking en organiseert een eerste hackathon
Le groupe Elia publie un livre blanc relatif à un système électrique centré sur le consommateur et durable, et appelle par ailleurs à la collaboration en invitant à son premier hackathon